Wintery Blast

Winter is here in Kentucky! Snowflakes have been sighted! In order to stay warm, I have several winter essentials that have really saved me for the past few years.

“I’m freezing my nubs off out here.”

Firstly, my mom bought me a winter coat when I went to college since I had to walk around The Hill during the winter. It’s down, it covers my butt, and six years later it’s in perfect condition. It’s from Canvas by Land’s End, and I simply cannot find one on their site that is made from down that looks like mine. So I found one on L.L. Bean, and it looks pretty similar/promises the same comfort.

This coat is the Just saying. L.L. Bean, $199

Next, shoes. The temperature of my feet seems to regulate my entire body heat. So despite people making fun of Uggs throughout my high school career, there is no boot more comfortable or warm that I have found. I have three pairs, one black tall, one brown tall, and one black short. I just received the black short this season, and I’m really liking the height. I don’t have to worry about my pants bunching up because I can reach down more easily to tuck them in.

Uggs, $130


Lastly, I buy enough gloves to carry in every single jacket I own. I never want to be caught without gloves. I just buy the cheap ones from Target or Walmart because they are cheap and you’ll probably need to end up replacing them at some point anyway. I just found out they’re called, “Texting Gloves.” Interesting. Anyway, I like to buy them in various colors to match the coat.

txt gloves.PNG
Walmart, $12.99

I’d love to hear what you can’t live without in the cold, cold, winter months beside hot chocolate.